Please join us at a live demonstration
or come to an art critique session to find out more about membership!
This is the information needed for your FBG Neighbors profile:
Web page:
How long you have lived in Fredericksburg?
Article: Write 300 – 500 words about your art work.
Photo: You are encouraged to submit 1 or 2 photos of your work plus a Headshot of yourself. A good headshot from a cell phone set on 'Portrait' quality works well; include face to just below shoulders.
Prompts for writing an article:
These questions are just a starting place. Answer any that help you tell the story of your work.
What medium do you work in? /why?
How long have you painted?
What style? (abstract, representational, realistic, impressionist, plein air)
What subjects do you concentrate on? Why?
What is important in your painting? (capturing light, color, composition, etc.)
Who has inspired you?
What is the common thread in all your work?
What makes your work different?
Who is your audience?
What emotions do you hope your art communicates?
What do you hope the viewer receives as they look at your work?
How has living in Fredericksburg contributed to your art?
How is art important in your life?
Why should your art (or art in general) be important to others?
KayLee Adams
Mara Allison
Kristin Ashman, Publicity
Ann Baltzer
Jan Banfield
Robert Behan
Jason Behrends-Show Chair
Connie Bray
Vee Ann Brodnax
Molly Burnette
Stephanie Burns
Ruby Lee Clark, Founding Member
Daneshu Clarke
Nancy Coon (2025)
Amy Coward
Maryneil Dance
Caroline Dechert
Jane Dickinson, Website
Dura Dittmar
Ann Douzat
Frieda Duggan
Robbi Fish-Lake
Jan Forester
Dalton Fromme
Linda Hall
Truby Hardin
Sue Henrichson
Nan Henke
Svetlana Hipsky
Virginia Howell
Ann Jackson
Stacy Jenschke, Treasurer Chair
Chip Johnson
Janet Justice
Sheila Kale
Trevor Kramer, Student
Donna Lafferty
Marc Land, Founding Member
Bridget Langdale
C.J. Latta
Marion Loucks
Leisa Luis-Grill, Membership Chair
Kathy Lux, Program Chair
Joyce Malatek
Tom Martin
Arielle Masin
Trudy Maslonka
Barbara Mauldin - Secretary Chair
Susanne McComack, President
Sterling Meadows (student)
Pam Medlin
Cherryl Meggs
Jan Miller
Pat Miller
Tom Miller
Suzanne Morhart
Louise Murphy
Nancy Natho
Kelly Nichelini
Shannon Oelrich
Karen Oldham
Edyth O'Neill
Melissa Opio
Cathy Pankratz
Marsha Pape
Andrea Pesek
Christa Peyton
Chris Reese
Martha Roland
Laura Ronstadt
Jeanne Rothberg
Andrea Rummell-2025
Anne Sanchez
Clara Sanchez-Student
Tony Sauer
Mary Kaye Sawyer-Morse
Cynara Shelton
Johnnette Scheuer, Founding Member
Alice Segner
Carol Seminara, Media Librarian
Charlie Simmons
Nancy Skoog
Sharon Smith
Bob Spencer
Joanne Spencer
Melissa Starry
Dorothy Stehling, Founding Member
Christin Thompson, Membership
Sue Thompson
Michelle Thompson
Susan Crawford Tracy
Jim Webb
Patricia Weeden
Kathy Weigand
Ashley Weigand-Student
Mark Wieser
Bonnie Woods, Vice President
Becky Yon
Jennifer Zardavets -2025
Kristine Ziems